Rolf Gutbrod (1910-1999)
Architect, Professor
1910 | born in Stuttgart |
1929/1930 | Studies of architecture at the TH Berlin-Charlottenburg |
1930-1935 | Studies of architecture at the TH Stuttgart |
1935-1937 | Employee in the architectural firm of Günter Wilhelm in Stuttgart and liberal architect |
1937-1939 | Construction supervisor of the air force in Friedrichshafen |
1939/1940 | Head of air force construction department Munich II |
1940 | Head of construction department in Brussels, dislocation to Sicily |
1941 | Head of field construction department in Africa |
1941-1943 | Liaison engineer officer to the italian high command |
1943 | Council of the higher construction department, until 1945 member of Organisation Todt |
1946-1978 | Liberal architect in Stuttgart |
1947 | Teaching assigment for designing at the TH Stuttgart |
1954 | Associate professor at the TH Stuttgart |
1957-1959 | Visiting professor at the Technical University of Istanbul |
1961-1972 | Professor at the TH Stuttgart; member of the Akademie der Künste Berlin |
1963 | Walker-Ames-Professorship at the University of Washington/USA |
1999 | passed away in Arlesheim/Switzerland |
Heating station of the flak barracks Friedrichshafen 1936/1937 |
Appartment and commercial building Moserstraße Stuttgart 1947-1951 |
Commercial building of the Süddeutschen Holzberufsgenossenschaft (Loba-Haus) Stuttgart 1948-1950 |
Milk bar at the Flamingo lake Killesberg park Stuttgart 1950 |
Industrie- und Handelskammer Stuttgart 1950-1967 |
Concert hall Liederhalle Stuttgart (mit Adolf Abel) 1951-1956 |
Factory building Porsche Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen 1951-1959 |
Appartment and publishing building Rieck Aulendorf 1953-1955 |
High rise "Hahn" Stuttgart 1960-1963 |
Administration building IBM Berlin-Charlottenburg 1959-1963 |
German embassy Wien 1959-1965 |
University and municipal library and lecture hall of the University of Cologne 1960-1968 |
Freie Waldorfschule Stuttgart 1963-1966 |
Württembergische Bank Stuttgart 1963-1968 |
Haus der Werbung Berlin-Schöneberg 1963-1966 |
German Pavilion Expo '67 Montreal/Canada (with Frei Otto and Fritz Leonhardt) 1965-1967 |
Hotel and conference centre Mecca/Saudi Arabia 1966-1974 |
Broadcasting studios Süddeutscher Rundfunk Stuttgart 1966-1976 |
Museum of arts and crafts Berlin 1966-1984 |
H. M. the King´s Office, Council of Ministers Buildings, Majlis-al-Shura Building Riyadh (KOCOMMAS) Riyadh/Saudi Arabia (with Frei Otto) 1974-1980 |
Enlargement hotel and conference centre Riyadh/Saudi Arabia 1979-1983 |
Ministry of Finance and National Economy Riyadh/Saudi Arabia 1981-1985 |
Books about Rolf Gutbrod: |
K. Kaiser (Red.): Architekten - Rolf Gutbrod. Stuttgart: IRB-Verlag 1987 |
Ferdinand Blomensaht (Red.): Architekten - Rolf Gutbrod. 2., erw. Aufl. Stuttgart: IRB-Verlag 1990 |
Karl Wilhelm Schmitt, Rolf Gutbrod - Bauten in Stuttgart. Ausstellung in der Architektur-Galerie am Weißenhof, Stuttgart, 4.10. - 2.12. 1990. Stuttgart 1990 |
Ulrich Schneider: Das Werk des Architekten Rolf Gutbrod (Notizen des saai, 6). Karlsruhe 1998, 2. veränd. Aufl. 2000 |
Margot Dongus: Rolf Gutbrod. Studien über das Leben und Werk des Architekten. Tübingen u. a. 2002 |
Rolf Gutbrod - Häuser für Menschen. Ein Film von Gisela Reich zum 80. Geburtstag des Architekten. Stuttgart: SWR-media 2002 |