Werkarchiv Conrad Roland - Suspended Houses, Spacenets and the Categorisation of Architectural Knowledge

Conrad Roland About
Werkarchiv Conrad Roland

How can not only the physical heritage, but also the underlying mindset of an architectural visionary be made accessible, communicated and carried into the future?

Conrad Roland Ordnungssystem *01
Migration or integration? Conrad Roland's ordering principle and the limits of the classical archive

Archives are based on classification systems that structure materials and facilitate access. In the best case, these are flexible enough to enable different contextualisations and to make estates for a variety of research questions interdisciplinary compatible. But how do you deal with a stock that comes with a specially developed, highly specific classification system?

Learning and living between glass and steel – Conrad Roland's master years with Mies

As a schoolboy, Conrad Roland dreamed of traveling to the USA. But it was not until years later, after an apprenticeship as a carpenter and a degree in architecture at the Technical University of Munich, that he was given the opportunity to continue his studies at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig Hilberseimer and Walter Peterhans thanks to a Fulbright scholarship.

Conrad Roland Hängestadt *01
Of castles in the air in the space net and the timeless question of the future of living

Fascinated by Otto's delicate supporting structures, Conrad Roland developed concepts for large-scale suspended cities in order to ‘free society from the straitjacket of architecture’.

Conrad Roland Spielraumnetze *01
From the city of suspended houses to the playground space net and back

Everyone knows them - the red climbing structures that are omnipresent in playgrounds and fascinate children and adults alike!
